Thursday, February 27, 2020

Buying Behavior & Market Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Buying Behavior & Market Analysis - Essay Example In this case, the company uses the ideal task of the internet of moving information to its benefit. This business model around eBay has gained a lot of success in the local American market. Moreover, the model has been taken to numerous foreign markets gaining a lot of success. Case in point, the model has been successful in the European markets in countries such as Germany, France, and England. However, replicating this success has proved to be a huge challenge for eBay in its Asian markets. In effect, there has been a failure of the model by eBay in Korea and China while its operations in other Asian markets experience slow growth. Therefore, this expose elucidates the factors contributing to eBay’s failure in establishing itself while using the global marketing concepts. The Korean subsidiary of eBay, Internet Auction, dominated the auction market over the internet in South Korea in 2004. In this case, the eBay subsidiary revenues accounted for a third of eBay’s reve nues in the Asian market. However, a Korean upstart called Gmarket overtook Internet Auction in terms of the market share and consequently revenues earnings significantly dropped. It is noteworthy that eBay’s principal rival, Yahoo!, held a 10% stake in the startup. Effectively, by the end of 2006, Metrix pointed out that the 17.2 million unique visitors in Gmarket surpassed the 17.1 million visitors for eBay (Ihlwan, 2006). On the other hand, Eachnet’s--the subsidiary unit of eBay in China--chief executive unexpectedly resigned. According to market analysts and researchers, the reason for the resignation was eBay’s loss of its top position in the Chinese internet auction market. In this case,’s Tao Bao ranked first while eBay’s Eachnet followed. It is important to note that, the chief rival, Yahoo!, held 40% of Tao Bao’s venture. According to an agency, partly owned by the government, called China Internet Network Information Ce ntre quasi, Tao Bao led the online auction market in China with a 67% share while eBay’s Eachnet held 29% of the market share (Mangalindan, 2006). One factor that eBay never considered was that, the global approach in which online auction firms offered products across nations was practical in instances that competition was limited. In this case then, since eBay controlled the Asian market prior to entry of its competitors, it never did enough timing to know when to change its auctioning strategy. In addition, being the dominant player made eBay become more complacent. The complacency, critics claimed, was evidenced by eBay’s move in transferring its Chinese operations’ decision-making responsibilities to its headquarters in the United States after acquiring Eachnet. In fact, critics say that this strategy caused a collapse in communication with some instances where it took weeks to correct typos on their website (Lou & Feng, 2010). Meanwhile, eBay’s compe titors paid attention to grievances by eBay’s clients and vendors. Failure to time its entry into the Asian market, more so in Japan influenced heavily its Asian success. The company’s move to join the market five months after its rival Yahoo! failed in its quest to establish itself as the leader in the Asian online auction market. In this case, there is the significant beneficial factor in establishing a foothold by a first-mover in the online auctio

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Article Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Article Review - Essay Example Importance of forensic accounting is unquestionable because whenever the company suspects any form of fraud or misuse of fund, they rely on forensic accounting for conduction investigation and to find out the root cause behind the problem. So forensic accounting is one of the most relied tools that help in determining and also in controlling the problem. Forensic accounting follows certain well planed procedure to carryout the whole process of detection. At first the business structure has to be identified, and then an in-depth analysis has to be conducted for all companys date records. Such scrutinizing provides clues through with prevailing fraud and misconduct can be identified. This procedure also identifies any kind of irregularity related to assets and hence indicates fraud. The procedure of forensic accounting is efficient in conserving companys precious time and time and money. This technique it often used by strategists in identifying and preventing fraud or misuse of compan ys fund which may hamper the business. Many researchers have argued that the technique of fraud accounting is highly efficient in managing civil dispute that includes: Forensic accounting can provide assistance in probate cases, this technique is efficient in handling dispute that arise due to cases of over valuation or the cases of property division in between estates heirs. Forensic accountants are the experts which deal in disputes related to legal property problems. These experts are equipped with knowledge in the field of accountancy, auditing, evidence gathering, interviews, financial reporting system, and all other developments which are taking place in national as well international accounting sector. The forensic accountants are well trained for legal procedures and other court formalities. Forensic accounting is often used to get the true and Article review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1 Article review - Essay Example Shah notes in the article that the global financial crisis started in 2007; Shah also notes that the global financial crisis led to the closure of many financial institutions around the world (Shah, 2013). According to this article, following the global financial crisis, various governments had to bail out various financial institutions that were on the verge of collapse. Shah, however, notes that, although various governments bailed out various financial institutions that were at risk of closure, the problem of global financial crisis was mainly caused by the very financial institutions that sought bail out from the government. A critical view of this point by Shah shows that the financial institutions were indeed mainly to blame for the global financial crisis. This is because the lax lending standards of many financial institutions made many people unable to access loans and mortgages, leading to serious financial crisis. Fratianni and Marchionne support this view in their article â€Å"The Role of Banks in the Subprime Financial Crisis†. According to the two authors, it is the exorbitant lending rates of many financial institutions that mainly caused the global financial cr ises, besides the imbalances in international trade (Ratianni $ Marchionne, 2009). In this article, Shah claims that the global financial crisis did not affect the financial institutions only or only the rich nations, but it affected all individuals of every nation. This is because, according to Shah, the effects of global financial crisis trickle down to all people and affect individual’s livelihood. One of the main arguments advanced in this article is that, the financial crisis could have been avoided if financial institutions had adopted the current economic models. According to Shah, the global financial crisis has been caused by people’s negligence, especially the government failure to effectively control financial institutions. Shah argues in the article that states have